
Chemical Engineering Degree, AS

学会运用科学技术为日常生活创造产品. 拥有化学工程副学士学位, 你将使用化学来帮助生产从食品到药品的物品. 与我们的专家教授和我们的实验室学习基本概念.

我们为期两年的化学工程项目与新墨西哥州立大学(NMSU)有合作关系。. 在SJC学习期间,你将和他们的老师一起上高级课程. 完成化学工程AS后,您将很容易转到新密歇根州立大学. 你可以在两年多的时间里获得学士学位,开始你的新事业.

Why Study Chemical Engineering?

化学工程师处于发现和改进我们周围产品的最前沿. Working in laboratories and factories, they help:

  • Design and manufacture computer chips
  • Develop new medicines and medical equipment
  • Improve recycling and restoration processes
  • Investigate new energy resources
  • Refine water purification processes

获得化学工程的副学士学位将使你具备在这个高需求领域工作的知识. 你将了解从原子到塑料等材料的性质. Study their chemical composition and how they fuse and interact. 练习使用实验室和工厂使用的先进工具. 拥有化学工程学士学位,你将在这个重要行业的职业生涯中走得很好.


Transfer Partnership With NMSU

在SJC就读期间,与新墨西哥州立大学化学工程学院一起学习. 我们与NMSU合作,让您可以在四年内获得化学工程学士学位.

你将在SJC度过你教育旅程的前两年. 通过学习数学、英语、物理和化学课程获得化学工程AS. 每学期你至少要选修一门化学工程课程. 新密西根州立大学将通过同步远程教育来教授这些课程. 这意味着你将在电脑上观看现场讲座,并与老师和同学实时互动.

完成化学工程AS后,您将转到拉斯克鲁塞斯的新密歇根州立大学校园. 你将在那里完成化学工程学士学位课程的最后四个学期.

With this program, 你可以在家附近学习两年,同时支付我们负担得起的学费. 我们的小班授课和经验丰富的老师会给你的关注,你需要准备你的高级课程. 在SJC与NMSU的化学工程合作中,照顾好你的未来.

Flexible Course Options

Take classes on a schedule that works for you. SJC为化学工程专业的学生提供了许多学习选择. 有些课程是亲自授课,而其他课程则完全在线提供. 根据课程安排,我们也有在线和面对面的混合课程. Find a flexible option that works for you at SJC.

Chemistry Research Opportunities

通过完成本科研究成为一名有经验的学生和求职者. At SJC, you can join chemistry and chemical engineering research projects. 你将在我们的实验室进行实验,并使用先进的仪器来找到解决方案. 与我们的教授密切合作,建立你的定量和定性技能.

Past student projects include:

  • Addressing environmental concerns
  • Creation of artificial retina materials
  • Synthesis of electronic materials

Affordable Associate Degree and Pathway to Bachelor's Degree

With SJC's low tuition rates,获得我们的化学工程AS可以为您节省数千美元. 你将支付我们负担得起的两年学费,同时学习和四年制大学一样严格的课程. 你也可能有资格通过免学费获得学位 NM Opportunity and Lottery Scholarships.

What You'll Learn With a Chemical Engineering Associate Degree

With a Chemical Engineering AS, 你将探索先进的化学和数学概念,为你未来的职业生涯做好准备. 在课堂上学习原子和分子结构以及反应动力学. 在实验室中练习如何处理材料和进行化学分析. 你会成为一个自信的学生,准备好把你的副学士学位转到四年制大学.

In your SJC courses, you will take:

  • Applied Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Calculus I, II, and III
  • Calculus-based Physics
  • General Chemistry I and II
  • Introduction to Engineering
  • Organic Chemistry I and II

You will also take live online courses with NMSU professors. You will take:

  • Energy Balances
  • Engineering Data Analysis
  • Fluid Flow
  • Introduction to CHEM Calculations
  • Material Balance
  • Thermodynamics

Chemical Engineering AS Curriculum

Transfer Options

SJC的化学工程副学士学位是一个转学学位. Once you have completed your associate degree, 你可以报名进入四年制大学,在两年多的时间内完成你的学士学位. Many chemical engineering jobs require a bachelor's degree, so you'll be qualified to begin your career.

太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站与新密歇根州立大学的化学工程项目有合作关系. 我们的许多化学工程专业的学生转到新密歇根州立大学完成他们的学位. NMSU is accredited through the 教唆, making it a top school for engineering programs.

With our Chemistry AS, 你也可以作为化学专业的大三学生进入以下学校:

  • Fort Lewis College
  • New Mexico Tech
  • The University of New Mexico

Meet with your advisor 如果你想转学去攻读化学学士学位. 你需要协调你在太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站的课程和转学机构的要求.

Learn More 太阳集团娱乐场登陆网站 the Transfer Process

Careers and Outcomes

我们的大多数毕业生转到新墨西哥州立大学获得化学工程学士学位. Once you graduate, 你可以在新墨西哥州和全国各地找到化学工程师的工作.

There is currently a great demand for chemical engineers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment of chemical engineers to grow 14% from 2021 to 2031. This is much faster than the average for all occupations. The BLS also reports that the median annual wage for chemical engineers was $105,550, making this a high-paying career.

Companies in New Mexico that hire chemical engineers include:

  • Ensign Energy Services
  • HF Sinclair Corporation
  • Ideal Spectroscopy
  • 英特尔
  • Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Occidental Petroleum
  • Sandia National Laboratories
  • SolAero Technologies, Inc

Chemical Engineering Degree Prerequisites

To take courses for the Chemical Engineering AS, you must have completed certain math and chemistry courses:

  • High school chemistry
  • Intermediate algebra
  • Precalculus
  • Trigonometry

你也可以在参加化学工程AS课程之前在SJC完成这些课程. Contact your advisor or visit the Chemical Engineering AS Curriculum page for more information.

Next Steps

To enroll in the Associate of Science in Chemical Engineering, you must first apply to San Juan College. It's easy, and you can apply online at any time!

应用 Now

If you are already a student at San Juan College, 和你的导师谈谈我们的化学工程AS和你的转学选择.

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电话: (505) 566-3320

West Classroom Complex,
Room 1911

M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

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